Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lo Amo Mia Api

All summer our garden has been filled with bees -- honey bees and bumble bees keeping their heads down and working hard. You can walk among them and they will gracefully lift off and  move out of the way, showing great patience. Sociable and polite, they have never stung anyone in our yard, even when they are staggering/drunk with nectar. At the Boulder County Fair last month. a beekeeper told me that my bees were probably Italian bees. Careful inspection shows I have more than one variety of bee working my garden, but to be on the safe side I plan to brush up on my Italian over the winter, so I can better converse with my hardworking bees next summer. If you want to learn more about bees, check out the Denver BeeKeeping Society website. The society has a lot of affordable lectures and events planned in upcoming months, and I think immersing ourselves in bee studies (and Italian) will help me survive the winter gloom. Also check out To Bee or Not to Bee which, in addition to its primary mission of offering beekeeping supplies, offers multiple links to bee keeping groups and events throughout the metro area. Traditionally the Botanic Gardens offers some classes, if you can afford them (they are usually pretty pricey).

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