Here's some of the Denver-area fireworks shows we've found. We urge you check their websites to make sure the shows are still on, and to read up on rules (most shows prohibit dogs, alcohol etc.). Some shows allow chairs, some restrict the type of chairs you can bring, and some are in stadiums. So plan carefully!
Also, if you want to see Front Range fireworks shows and don't mind if you aren't super close to the action, there are options. If you live in South Denver, consider going to Ruby Hill Park, to see ALL the fireworks across town. Native Americans used the park's high bluff as a lookout point and for good reason....you will be able to see the entire front range light up starting at about 9PM. Be aware that plenty of people will be lighting up other things (including firecrackers) within the park boundaries and toilet facilities are somewhat limited. It can be rowdy get-together, but it is a ton of fun. Please leave your dog at home -- too many surrounding firecrackers. Street parking only. South Platte River Drive and Florida.
Another, more low-key local option for a good view of Front Range fireworks? Bates-Logan Park, 638-658 E. Bates in Englewood. The hill offers nice views of the Front Range fireworks. Come early, bring chairs and bug spray and some chow and settle in for the show. More family oriented and low-key than Ruby Park.
Alright. Here are local shows that were still planning to go on, as of press time.
- Denver's fireworks at the Civic Center Park are slated for TUESDAY, JULY 3. FREE! Following a patriotic concert by The Colorado Symphony, check out the light show and rooftop fireworks display atop the Denver City and County Building. Seating is first-come, first-served. Music starts at 8:30PM. Food vendors will be on-site, but picnics are also welcome. Learn more at Denver.org
- Glendale's excellent fireworks show is scheduled for TUESDAY, JULY 3 at 8PM. FREE! As in years past, the fireworks will be launched from Creekside Park at E. Virginia Ave. and S. Clermont St. Best viewing is at Cherry and Exposition. Come early to play in the new park just south of the Infinity Park stadium; and then walk up Cherry Street to snag your favorite viewing location because views of the fireworks will be limited from Infinity Park South. Call 303-759-1513 or go to the Glendale website for more information. Usually the Whole Foods store on Colorado lets you see the show from their parking lot for FREE, but bring your own chairs. Also, for $10/adults and $5/kids, Whole Foods will offer a holiday feast that includes the option of burger, brat, hotdog or veggie burger, and choice of side salad, drinks, watermelon, corn and pie. Meal tickets will be available for pre-sale starting Mon., June 28, and will also be on sale event day. Or beat the crowd by viewing the pyrotechnics at City of Brest park, southwest corner of Colorado Blvd. & Cherry Creek Dr. South.
- Sports Authority at Mile High will shoot them off up after the Denver Outlaws game on WEDNESDAY JULY 4. See the Outlaws take on expansion team the Ohio Machine and stay after the game for the fireworks fun. Tickets start at just $15 and can be purchased at denveroutlaws.com or by calling 303-OUTLAWS!
- The Colorado Rockies will have fireworks after their games on FRIDAY, JUNE 29 and SATURDAY, JUNE 30. Good luck getting tickets at ColoradoRockies.com
- Blues Traveler concert at Red Rocks. The JULY 4 show begins at 6PM and the Rocks offer an excellent view of the fireworks show downtown. For more information go to RedRocksOnline.com
- Lakewood celebrates ON TUESDAY JULY 3. Fireworks are at 9:30 p.m. This will be held at the Jefferson County Sports Stadium located at 500 Kipling Street and 6th Avenue. Food, live entertainment, activities for kids. Learn more at LakewoodonParade.org.
- Lee Greenwood is playing at Hudson Gardens, Littleton. Gates open at 5PM, concert starts at 7pm. Adults $29; kids ages 3-12 $10.
- FREE Denver Municipal Band patriotic show at Washington Park! Pack a picnic and dust off the lawn chairs. Bring bug spray because the skeeters love Wash Park at dusk. 7:30PM
- Enjoy the July 4th Celebration, co-sponsored by the Washington Park East and West Washington Park neighborhood associations. July 4, 11AM-1PM. FREE! The day’s festivities begin at 11AM at the Boathouse, with kids and their parents exploring a fire truck and getting ready for a parade! Special guests are the Denver Police Mounted Patrol and their noble steeds! Providing a patriotic soundtrack for the celebrants will be the Denver Municipal Band’s Brass Quintet, with pianist Hank Troy. Families are encouraged to arrive early so the kidlets have time to spruce up their strollers, trikes, and bikes for the 4th of July Parade, which begins about 11:45AM in the parking lot just west of the Bath House. FREE ice cream and beverages will be available immediately following the parade, while supplies last. Be sure to bring a comfortable blanket or chairs as needed.
- The gang over at Clement Park in Littleton have cancelled their fireworks show, but holiday festivities are still slated for TUESDAY, JULY 3 from 5-10PM. FREE! Enjoy beautiful Clement Park at 7306 W. Bowles Ave. Celebration goes from 5-10PM. Go to ifoothills.org for more info. Celebration features lots of family friendly fun, plus a Doobie Bros. cover band, Black Water. Go to ifoothills.org for more info.
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