Monday, April 2, 2012

Avoid $50 Denver Street Sweeping Tickets

Nothing is more aggravating than staggering out to your car in the morning to find a $50 street sweeping ticket fluttering from your front door. Ack. Now that Denver Public Works has resumed street cleaning (April through November), here's our tips to stay ticket-free.
  • Check the signs on your street. 
  • Sign up for FREE e-mail reminders for street sweeping days in your neighborhood at
  •  Get a FREE text sent to you, via TextVsTicket.
According to the City of Denver, more than 100,000 street-sweeping tix were issued lat year to residentcar owners. And please, bee aware that you can  get a ticket even if it appears that streets sweepers have already cleaned, because they sometimes return for a second swipe. The no-parking rules generally extend to 5PM.

1 comment:

Street Clean said...

Yes I placed the sign out for a few street sweeping sessions…but then I had to move to a new district. My neighbors were stoked on the sign.