Friday, March 18, 2011

Ikea Store Looking for Employees

The new Ikea store (hurray!) isn't set to open in Centennial until autumn, but the company is currently listing 17 categories of available jobs. The store will feature 10,000 exclusively designed items, three model home interiors, 50 room settings, a supervised children’s play area, and baby care rooms. Ikea says it will hire some 400 people in jobs ranging from restaurant dishwashers to sales managers. IKEA offers benefits including full medical/dental insurance to coworkers working 20 hours or more per week with eligibility for domestic partners and children. Employees working less than 20 hours still are eligible for medical and dental insurance. Sweet! Click here for IKEA'S career website. To see Denver jobs, click on USA under country and Denver (Centennial) under location.

1 comment:

Snus Girl said...

Have a friend working at Ikea. She says it is great!