Friday, March 5, 2010

Keep an Eye Out for This Creep


For Immediate Release

Date: February 24, 2010 To: All Denver Police Officers, Media, Denver City Council, and Denver Community Associations. Contact: Sonny Jackson Address: Office of the Chief 1331 Cherokee St., Denver, CO 80204 Phone: 720-913-6534

The Denver Police Department would like the community to be aware of a thief preying on the elderly in the Denver metro area. This suspect targets elderly females in a grocery store, and steals her wallet from her or the complete purse. The suspect steals the wallet and immediately goes to an electronic or department stores and uses the credit cards to purchases high dollar items. The suspect struck as recently as yesterday at the Safeway store located at 5th and Corona Street. The suspect is very deceptive while committing the thefts. The suspect is described as a white male in his 40's, balding head, light goatee, and well dressed.

There was another case on February 19, 2010, where a female victim had her purse stole from her grocery cart while shopping at a Cherry Creek grocery store. The suspect used the victim's credit cards at numerous local businesses. On February 21, 2010, the same type of incident happened at a King Soopers store in south Denver the suspect stole a purse from the grocery cart and again used the credit card at local businesses.

We are releasing a video of the suspect making purchases at a local department store. The CD can be picked-up at the Denver Police Administration Building located at 1331 Cherokee Street.

Denver Police want the community to be aware of these crimes, and if anyone recognizes this suspect to call Denver Police Department at 120-913-2000 or Crime Stoppers at 120-913-STOP (786

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