Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Heart My Denver Purple Recycling Cart Photo Contest

Show your love for recycling with the “I Heart My Purple Recycling Cart” photo contest sponsored by the city.  Denver residents are encouraged to submit creative photos showing their support for, and love of, recycling; however submissions must share a common theme: all photos must include the signature Denver “purple recycling cart."

The contest closes at noon, on Tuesday  Feb. 14. Mayor Hancock, Denver Public Works Manager George Delaney and Denver Recycles Operations Manager Charlotte Pitt will select a first, second and third place winner, and the best submittal from someone under 13 years old.

Prizes include four tickets to Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, four tickets to Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance (theatre tickets are courtesy of Arts and Venues Denver), Colorado Avalanche tickets and a ParkSmart gift card.

Visit for more info.

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